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Instant poetry
Por estudiantes de 2º y 3º de ESO del IES Santa Clara de Santander.

Los estudiantes de 2º y 3º del instituto Santa Clara han escrito unos poemas en inglés en los que muestran sus conocimientos sobre este idioma y su vena lírica.



The Mountain
big, wonderful.
Climb, go up, enjoy,
get her summit
It’s exciting,
the mountain
                          Elena Obregón Díez, 2B ESO

big, beautiful, wonderful.
Go, see it, enjoy it,
I love it.
the mountain
                         Jaime Aparicio Cossio, 3C ESO

The football fan,
funny, sad,
roars, sings, cries,
he’ll be happy if his team wins,
the fans
the mountain
                         Ciro Chimeno Pérez, 3C ESO

Happy, short
Sing, celebrate, live together
Family gathers,
the mountain
                         Irene Rodríguez Vega, 2A ESO

The sky,
giant, blue,
fly, enjoy, go up,
fly between clouds.
It’s cool,
the sky
the mountain
                         Malena Moreno Gómez, 2B ESO

League of legends,
skill, intelligence.
Play, enjoy, win
A great game,
League of legends
the mountain
                         Manuel Cobo, 3C ESO

interesting, awesome.
Listen, feel, express,
a language everyone understands,
this is music
the mountain
                         Viorela Tanase, 2B ESO

League of Legends,
funny, exciting, enjoyable.
Fight, care, make friends,
it isn’t a simple game,
The League of Legends
the mountain
                         Jaime Aparicio Cossio, 3C ESO

The pen which Ben has
was bought in the town
next to the giant gown.
It is big and you write so quick
If you use it to sit, win or hit,
you see the new born King,
that’s what I think.
My pen is a ball point to join
Those words in a poem like this.
the mountain
                         Elena Riego Ramos, 2B ESO

My dog,
black and white, beautiful
runs, plays, cares
It looks at me and loves me
My dog
the mountain
                         Lucía Trula Portilla, 3B ESO

A flower
Pretty, colourful
Smile, grow, dance
It always shines with glamour
The blossom
the mountain
                         Sandra Malfaz Hernández, 3B ESO

A boat
Happy, funny
Floats, sails, smiles
It floats on the sea
The boat
Pablo Santamaría, 3B ESO
The sky,
bluish, immense,
flies, sails, swims.
It is a mirror of the sea
the mountain
                         Fabián Musy, 3B ESO

A picture,
colourful, beautiful
tells, expresses, watches
It expresses emotions in the author’s mind
A drawing
the mountain
                         Yunfan Ji, 2A ESO

The sun,
Bright, light
Looks, smiles,
It caresses and heats me,
The lamp
the mountain
                         Masha Stefanets, 3B ESO

Blue are your eyes
When I look at you
Blue is the sea,
Large and deep
Blue is the sky
On a sunny day
Blue is you
When I speak to you
Because you are clear,
Like water
the mountain
                         Anastasia Lago Gravalos, 2B ESO



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