escolares de 4º de Primaria del CEIP José
Arce Bodega de Santander nos cuentan un cuento en
el que Santa Claus ha perdido su sombrero.

Santa Claus con su inseparable sombrero.
Today is Monday, 25th of december,
it is the day when Santa gives the presents to boys
and girls. But this year Santa has a problem. He hasn´t
got his hat. The hat is very important for Santa because
without it he can´t give the presents.
Santa needs help to find his
hat and phones the Three Wise Men.
They all start looking for the hat, they look in China,
Russia, In Peru, all around the world but they can´t
find it.
At the end they find the hat
under his bed.
And Sant a can give the presents to everybody, and
to the Three Wise Men too.
