Aréjula, profesora del departamento de Inglés
del IES Besaya, ha coordinado este trabajo. A partir
del paso séptimo 'Las aceitunas', escrito por
Lope de Rueda (siglo XVI), los alumnos han redactado
una noticia para la sección de sucesos de cualquier
periódico. La profesora revisa y anota los
errores y los alumnos reelaboran el texto, pero no
redacta parte alguna del texto.
A peacemaking neighbour prevents a tragedy
Yesterday, a neighbour from a village in Jaen prevented
a tragedy in a house where two members of the same
family were arguing.
At one o’clock in the afternoon, Toruvio, a
man in the village, arrived home wet after being cutting
some wood in the rain. Then, Agueda, his wife, asked
him about some olives.
Toruvio told her that he had already planted them.
Suddenly, they imagined selling the olives, and they
started arguing about the price. Meanwhile, their
daughter was crying because her parents were angry.
Then, a neighbour went into the house. Toruvio told
him the story and the neighbour asked them to stop
arguing about that silly thing. They were arguing
about the price of the olives but, actually, they
didn’t have any of them.
Curso: 3º de ESO.
Número de correcciones: 2.
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