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II Época / Nº46
Circulatory system

Por el equipo de redacción del colegio La Salle de Santander.

In Science Content, this term, we are studying Circulation and we are learning about blood, the heart and the lungs. For this reason we have made a plasticine model of the Circulatory system.

Plasticine model of the Circulatory system.

First we made the right and left lungs with pink plasticine. Then we made the heart using blue plasticine for the right side and red for the left. Later we made the blood vessels that carry oxygen with red plasticine and the blood vessels that carry carbon dioxide with blue plasticine. Finally we put the model together on a piece of strong card and we labelled the parts of the Circulatory system with sticky labels. This craft makes our study on circulation easier. We can see clearly each side of the heart and how the right side pumps blood to the lungs and the left side pumps blood around the body. The blood enters the heart through two veins and leaves the heart through two arteries. An interesting fact is that we have five litres of blood in our body and it only takes one minute for all this blood to pass through the whole circulatory system.



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