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Imagen Primaria
Nº 133

La ONU en el IES Villajunco

La iniciativa Global Classrooms transforma, un año más, el instituto Villajunco en las Naciones Unidas.

A morning in the theatre!

Last Friday, on the 3rd of March, primary and secondary school students from the Purísima Concepción in Santander went to the theatre to see two plays in English. The little ones saw 'Robin Hood', the legend of a heroic outlaw and his band of Merry Men, the evil sheriff of Nottingham and a damsel in distress; while the older students enjoyed the play 'I Spy', the story of a secret agent whose mission is to defeat the wicked Doctor. The plays were held in the Jose María Pereda High School and carried out by Face 2 Face theatre company. This theatre group puts on plays in English as a way of teaching the language while students have fun.














Sabías qué?

El alumnado de 2º de Bachillerato de Cantabria ha participado en las Olimpiadas de Física, Química y Geografía. Así vivieron la experiencia algunos de los estudiantes mejor clasificados.

Nos importa

El colegio Kostka de Santander celebra su Semana Solidaria. Además, el IES José del Campo de Ampuero consigue seis palés de productos para los refugiados de Grecia.