Mary Wollstonecraft
Shelley, english Romantic novelist, biographer and
editor, best known as the writer of 'Frankenstein
or the modern Prometheus' (1818). Mary Shelley was
21 when the book was published; she started to write
it when she was 18. The story deals with an ambitious
young scientist. He creates life but then rejects
his creation, a monster. The story of Frankenstein's
monster has inspired over 50 films.
Fotograma de
una de las múltiples versiones de 'Frankenstein' |
On Tuesday, 17 April, we have gone to the school
of Salesianos to see the story of Frankenstein. It
is about an English scientist who decides to create
a human person called Richard but he is not a human
person, it is a monster. At the beginning, Richard
can not speak or understand but then he learn to,
and he decides to go away from the laboratory of his
creator, Viktor Frankenstein. When he is in the street
he meet a little girl and they become good friends,
but when they are playing, Richard kills her accidentally
and he begins to cry. After that, Viktor goes out
to look for Richard and he goes to his Laboratory
and when he arrives, he finds Richard. Then Viktor
says that Richard is a monster and then Richard becomes
angry and he electrifies Viktor and accidentally,
he kills Elisabeth (Viktor´s girlfriend). And
that is all.
El martes 17 de abril hemos ido al colegio de los
Salesianos para ver la obra de Frankenstein. Es sobre
un científico inglés que decide crear
un humano llamado Richard pero no era un humano, era
un monstruo.
Al principio, Richard no sabe ni hablar ni entender,
pero luego aprende, y decide marcharse del laboratorio
de su amo, Viktor Frankenstein. Cuando está
en la calle conoce a una niña y se hacen amigos,
pero cuando están jugando, Richard la mata
accidentalmente y comienza a llorar.
Después de esto Viktor sale en busca de Richard
y va a su laboratorio y allí lo encuentra.
Luego Viktor dice que Richard es un monstruo y entonces
Richard se enfada y lo electrocuta y accidentalmente
mata también a la novia de Viktor.
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