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Imagen Primaria
Nº 117

In Spanish, please

Por Adrián Marcos y Lucia Ruiz Vila, estudiantes de Bachillerato del colegio Nuestra Señora de La Paz de Torrelavega.

One of the most important transmission ways of the Marca España is our language, which has been gaining strength thanks to the Instituto Cervantes’ work that acts spreading our culture and educating new users and professionals of the language, as explained by the director himself, Victor García de la Concha.

Víctor García de la Concha.

We start talking about the role that the Spanish language has nowadays in the world and he explains to us that the thing that most urges him is that responsibility of getting to those places where they’re calling because they want to learn and he assures us they’re trying their best to make the Instituto Cervantes not just a Spanish institution but an institution with presence in every Spanish speaker country, for this purpose they’re coordinating with those countries.

The actual project of the institute is certificating the Spanish study such as Cambridge does, so the Instituto Cervantes will be able to certificate a non native speaker’s Spanish knowledge. They have a lot of expectations on the United States because it is about to become one of the countries with the most Spanish speaker population, though he tells us that there are other countries such as Brazil or Japan that are important too.

Due to the internet, Spanish is living a great expansion and the Instituto Cervantes is not losing time and grows with the language in that way too.

It is a fact that the importance of the Spanish language grows day a day, as well as the Instituto Cervantes’ recognition.





One of the most important transmission ways of the Marca España is our language

The actual project of the institute is certificating the Spanish study such as Cambridge does
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