Warhola (August 6, 1928-February 22, 1987), known
as Andy Warhol, was an American painter, printmaker
and filmmaker who was a leading figure in the visual
art movement known as 'Pop Art'. When he was about
nine years old, he received his first camera. After
graduating, Warhol moved to New York City and he became
one of the most successful illustrators of the 1950s,
winning numerous awards. In the late 1950s, Warhol
made his first Pop paintings.
Andy Warhol
en varias etapas de su vida. |
Warhol became famous worldwide for
his work as a painter, avant-garde filmmaker, record
producer, author, and member of highly diverse social
circles that included bohemian street people, distinguished
intellectuals, Hollywood celebrities and wealthy patrons.
Warhol showed early artistic talent
and studied commercial art at the School of Fine Arts
at Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, (now Carnegie Mellon University). In
1949, he moved to New York City.
He adopted the silk screen printmaking
process as a technique for making paintings. His earliest
silkscreening in painting involved hand-drawn images
though this soon progressed to the use of photographically
derived silkscreening in paintings.
Serigrafia de
Marilyn Monroe. |
It was during the 1960s that Warhol
began to make paintings of iconic American products
such as Campbell's Soup Cans and Coca-Cola bottles,
as well as paintings of celebrities such as Marilyn
Monroe, Elvis Presley, Troy Donahue, Muhammad Ali
and Elizabeth Taylor. He founded 'The Factory', his
studio during these years, and gathered around himself
a wide range of artists, writers, musicians, and underground
'Cinco botellas
de Coca-Cola',1962. Serigrafía sobre
Compared to the success and scandal
of Warhol's work in the 1960s, the 1970s were a much
quieter decade, as Warhol became more entrepreneurial.
Warhol devoted much of his time to rounding up new,
rich patrons for portrait commissions– including
Sha of Iran Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, his wife Empress
Farah Pahlavi, Mick Jagger, Liza Minnelli, John Lennon,
Diana Ross and Brigitte Bardot.
Warhol had a re-emergence of critical
and financial success in the 1980s, partially due
to his friendships with a number of prolific younger
artists, who were dominating the "bull market"
of 1980s New York art. By this period, Warhol was
being criticized for becoming merely a "business
In 1986 he paints what will be his
last works, self-portraits and portraits of Lenin
and Mao Tse Tung.
Warhol realizó
la portada de 'Made in Spain' de Miguel Bosé
y el diseño de 'Brillo'.
Warhol se hizo famoso en todo el mundo por su trabajo
como pintor, cineasta de vanguardia, productor, autor
y miembro de círculos sociales muy diversos
que incluían bohemios, distinguidos intelectuales,
celebridades de Hollywood y acaudalados mecenas.
Warhol mostró un talento artístico
precoz y estudió arte comercial en la escuela
de Bellas Artes en el Carnegie Institute of Technology
de Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, (ahora Universidad Carnegie
Mellon). En 1949, se trasladó a Nueva York.
Él adoptó el proceso
de impresión de serigrafía como técnica
para la elaboración de pinturas. Su primer
serigrafiado en pintura incluia imágenes pintadas
a mano, aunque esto pronto derivó al uso de
la fotografía en las serigrafías.
Fue durante la década de los
60 cuando Warhol empezó a pintar cuadros de
productos estadounidenses emblemáticos, como
las latas de sopa Campbell y las botellas de Coca-Cola,
así como pinturas de famosos como Marilyn Monroe,
Elvis Presley, Troy Donahue, Muhammad Ali y Elizabeth
Taylor. Fundó 'The Factory', su estudio durante
estos años, y reunió a su alrededor
una amplia gama de artistas, escritores, músicos
y celebridades alternativas.
En comparación con el éxito
y el escándalo de la obra de Warhol en la década
de 1960, la década de los 70 fue mucho más
tranquila, como Warhol se hizo más emprendedor.
Warhol dedicó gran parte de su tiempo a rondar
a nuevos y ricos clientes para retratos remunerados,
incluyendo al Sha de Irán Mohammad Reza Pahlavi,
su esposa la emperatriz Farah Pahlavi, Mick Jagger,
Liza Minnelli, John Lennon, Diana Ross y Brigitte
Warhol tuvo un resurgimiento de crítica
y financiero en la década de 1980, en parte
debido a su amistad con una serie de prolíficos
artistas más jóvenes, que estaban dominando
el "mercado alcista" de arte de Nueva York
1980. Por esta época, Warhol estaba siendo
criticado por ser simplemente un "artista comercial".
En 1986 pinta lo que serán
sus últimas obras, autorretratos y retratos
de Lenin y Mao Tse Tung.
